Turn by turn

Turn by turn Illinois Westbound Lincoln
Ordered from Eastbound to WestboundChange
Westbound Lincoln

Random point of interest

Railway Cafe

Railway Cafe


Westbound Lincoln

Printing this description can take a lot of time, so you might want to consider buying commercially available alternatives such as the 8 map set and the EZ66 guide to take along on your trip.

Map courtesy of Stefan Joppich – Legend

Continued from Atlanta.

Continue on Bus-66.


At the intersection with Kickapoo St., a choice of alignments is available:

1926-1940 post 1941


Left (=south) onto Kickapoo St.

Follow the curves of Kickapoo St.

Left on Airport Rd.

Heritage In Flight Museum

Right (=northwest) onto Keokuk St. (IL-10 & IL-121).

Cross the railroad tracks.

Continue on Keokuk. St.

Lincoln College Museum

Left (=southwest) after the railroad tracks onto Logan St.

Turn left (=southeast) on Broadway St.

Cross the railroad tracks.


Christening site

Continue on Broadway St.

Logan County Courthouse

City hall

Return to Logan St.

Follow slight right (=west) onto 5th St.

Postville Courthouse

Left onto Washington St.

The Mill Restaurant

Continue with Washington St. as it curves slight right

Turn left (=south) on I-55 Business Loop

Continue on the I-55 business loop (Lincoln Pkwy.)

Follow as Lincoln Pkwy (BL-55) curves left.

the Tropics Restaurant

Rejoin at the intersection of Lincoln Pkwy. and Washington St.,
heading south on Lincoln Pkwy.

For the 1926-1942 (dead-end) alignment:

Turn immediatele right on Cemetary Rd. (connecting)

First left onto Cobblestone Ave. (1926 alignment)

Continue between the Old Union Cemetery on the right and the Holy Cross Cemetery on the left.

The road is blocked off.

Original road can be walked for about 2/10 mile.

Ghost Bridge

Cross Salt Creek.

For the 1926-1942 (dead-end) alignment:

Turn next right after crossing Salt Creek.

Straight as the road curves sharp left onto CR-1450.

The road is blocked off.

Original road can be walked for about 1/10 mile.

Ghost Bridge

Left (=southwest) onto the frontage rd., 1.5 miles after crossing Salt Creek in order to stay with the railroad.