Turn by turn

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Iron Hog
The building purportedly dates to 1890 when it opened as a saloon and brothel. In the 1930...
DetailWestbound Auburn
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Map courtesy of Stefan Joppich – Legend
1926-1930 | post 1930 |
Continued from Chatham.
Continue south on Curran Rd. (CR-18). Right onto IL-4. AuburnContinue on IL-4. Left on Lincoln St. as IL-4 curves right. Immediately right (=south). Curve right (=west) with Lincoln St. Next left (=south) on 10th St. Next right (=west) on North St. Slight right at the intersection with Redbud Ln. Immediately left (=southwest) on Il-4. The original alignment went straight across present day IL-4, but it’s obliterated. Curve left (=south) with IL-4. Continue straight at the intersection with IL-104. Left (=south) on Planter Rd. as Il-4 curves southwest. Right (=west) on Ackerman Rd. Straight across IL-4. Next left (=south) on Tiller Rd. Right (=south) to rejoin Il-4. Continue on IL-4. ThayerLeft (=south) on Harisson Ave. as IL-4 starts to curve right. Right (=west) on Sycamore St. Left (=south) on IL-4. Continue on IL-4. |
Please see Divernon. |