Turn by turn

Turn by turn Illinois Westbound Waggoner
Ordered from Eastbound to WestboundChange
Westbound Waggoner

Random point of interest

Red Rock Custom

Red Rock Custom


Westbound Waggoner

Printing this description can take a lot of time, so you might want to consider buying commercially available alternatives such as the 8 map set and the EZ66 guide to take along on your trip.

Map courtesy of Stefan Joppich – Legend

1926-1930 post 1930
Please see Nilwood. Continued from Farmersville.

Continue south on the western frontage rd.


Continue south on the western frontage rd.

Continue past the “Coalfield” rest area of I-55. [connecting]

Some sources give an older alignment 0.5 miles further west, while there are sections of obliterated road in places like the driveway of oth eOur Lady of the Highway shrine.

Continue south on the western frontage rd.

Our Lady of the Highways

Continue past the exit structure for exit 63 I-55. and cross 22nd Ave. [connecting]

Continue south on the western frontage rd.

Continue past the exit structure for exit 60 I-55[connecting]

Carlinvile Inn and riverboat

Cross IL-108 [connecting]

Continue south on the western frontage rd.