Turn by turn

Random point of interest

Empty Pockets Saloon
The website for this authentic western saloon with an historic bar notes, "Located on historic ...
DetailWestbound Litchfield
Printing this description can take a lot of time, so you might want to consider buying commercially available alternatives such as the 8 map set and the EZ66 guide to take along on your trip.
Map courtesy of Stefan Joppich – Legend
1926-1930 | post 1930 | ||||
Please see Carlinville. | Continued from Waggoner.
Continue south on the western frontage rd. Continue as the frontage road veers away from I-55. [connecting] Left (=east) on 16th Ave (CR-1600). [connecting] Cross over I-55. [connecting] There is no access to I-55 here. Next right (=south) on East Frontage Rd. (US-66, BL-55). [connecting] There is a possible Route 66 alignment on 15th St and CR-300 to the north of here, sources are contradicting. Cross under the bridge. Continue straight at the intersection with 14th Ave. Continue straight at the intersection with Washington Rd./Old Route 66. There is a short section of Old Route 66, but it doesn’t connect to the rest to the south. LitchfieldContinue over the railroad tracks At the intersection with 13th Ave./Old Route 66 (Sherman St.) a choice of alignments is available:
Continue south on US-66 (BL-55) |