Turn by turn

Random point of interest

McCook Quarry
The approximate one-mile section of Joliet Road, aka Route 66, has been closed closed 2001 when the ...
DetailWestbound Litchfield
Printing this description can take a lot of time, so you might want to consider buying commercially available alternatives such as the 8 map set and the EZ66 guide to take along on your trip.
Map courtesy of Stefan Joppich – Legend
1926-1930 | post 1930 | ||||
Please see Carlinville. | Continued from Waggoner.
Continue south on the western frontage rd. Continue as the frontage road veers away from I-55. [connecting] Left (=east) on 16th Ave (CR-1600). [connecting] Cross over I-55. [connecting] There is no access to I-55 here. Next right (=south) on East Frontage Rd. (US-66, BL-55). [connecting] There is a possible Route 66 alignment on 15th St and CR-300 to the north of here, sources are contradicting. Cross under the bridge. Continue straight at the intersection with 14th Ave. Continue straight at the intersection with Washington Rd./Old Route 66. There is a short section of Old Route 66, but it doesn’t connect to the rest to the south. LitchfieldContinue over the railroad tracks At the intersection with 13th Ave./Old Route 66 (Sherman St.) a choice of alignments is available:
Continue south on US-66 (BL-55) |