Turn by turn

Turn by turn Texas Amarillo – Glenrio
Ordered from Eastbound to WestboundChange
Amarillo – Glenrio

Random point of interest

McLean-Alanreed Area Museum

McLean-Alanreed Area Museum


Amarillo – Glenrio


Printing this description can take a lot of time, so you might want to consider buying commercially available alternatives such as the 8 map set and the EZ66 guide to take along on your trip.


Enter Amarillo on Amarillo Blvd. (US-60, BL-44, Old Route 66).

Turn left onto Pierce St. (US-87). (this is part of a major intersection where you meet both US-87 and US-287).

Sidetrip: Huge pair of legs by Stanled March III is located in a pasture that holds bulls (so take care) at the southeast corner of I-27 (US-87, US-60) and Sundown Ln. (south of Amarillo).

Cross the railroad bridge between 1st and 2nd Ave.

Turn right onto SE 6th Ave. (TX-279-Loop, old route 66).

Jog a slight left and right as you cross straight across S McMasters St.

Continue on W 6th Ave. (TX-279-loop, Old Route 66).

Golden Light Bar and Grill

Broncho Lodge at Bell and Route 66

6th St. has many antique shops trying to recapture the old 66 days.

Big Texan Steak House, get your 72 oz. free steak with lots of side dishes (if you can eat it in under one hour). The Big Texan used to be on Old Route 66, but has moved to I-40 (1 mile west of the Lakeside exit on the northern frontage rd.).

Straight across Belleview St.

Follow the curve left (=southwest) onto Bushland Blvd. (Old Route 66, TX-279-Loop).

Continue straight across the intersection with Western St.

Curve next right (=west) onto 9th Ave. (Old Route 66, TX-279-Loop)

Cross Bell St.

Turn left onto Amarillo Blvd. (Old Route 66, TX-279-Loop, BL-40).

Continue as Amarillo Blvd. curves slightly right onto BL-40 (Old Route 66, TX-279-Loop).

Continue straight at the intersection with Helium Rd.


Continue straight at the intersection with Soncy Rd./TX-335-Loop.

Turn next right (followed by a left turn) onto Indian Hill Rd. towards the west as BL-40 turns southwest to rejoin I-40 at exit 62B.

Continue straight on Indian Hill Rd. at the intersection with Hope Dr.

The Cadillac Ranch is on the southern side west of the intersection with Hope Dr.
For easy access:
Cross I-40 at the intersection with Hope Rd. to the southern frontage road, continue west on the southern frontage road for about half a mile. The Cadillac Rach is in the field on the south.
After your visit, return to the northern service road.

Cadillac Ranch, built in 1974 by Stanley March III, 10 Cadillacs buried nose down in concrete, at the angle of the great pyramids, one of each of the models from 1948 to 1964. The Cadillacs are base painted every so often and end up full of graffiti shortly thereafter.

The Cadillac Ranch was moved a few miles in the late 90’s. There now is also a plaque.

Turn left at the T-intersection with Blassen Dr.

Cross the railroad tracks.

Turn right onto the northern service road (north of I-40, south of the railroad).

Continue west on the northern service road.


Bushland itself is to the north of the railroad tracks.

Continue west on the northern service road.


Continue west on the northern service road.

Wilderado itself is to the south of I-40.

Continue west on the northern service road.


Continue west as the northern service road becomes BL-40.

Continue west on Vega Blvd. (BL-40, Old Route 66).

Vega Motel at 1005 Vega Blvd. Since 1947

Hickory Inn Cafe across the old road from the Vega Motel

Continue west on the northern service road as BL-40 rejoins I-40 at exit 35.

There was an unpaved version of the road north of the railroad, watch for concrete culverts near both Vega and Adrian (standing rather lonely in the field).

Continue west on the northern service road.


Continue straight at the intersection with TX-214 (FM-290) near exit 23 onto BL-40 (Grand Ave.).

Midpoint Café in operations since 1928 at an equal distance to both Los Angeles and Chicago. Famous for its ugly crust pie.

Continue west on the northern service road as BL-40 turns left to rejoin I-40 at exit 22.


Join I-40 at exit 18 just after the intersection with Gruhlkey Rd. (CR-18).

Old Caprock gas station

A dirt road version of Route 66 ran close to the railroad it crossed south of where the current I-40 is and passed a railroad section house at “Boise”.


Glenrio is a ghost town that straddles the state line.

Use exit 0 on I-40 (half a mile before the border with New-Mexico.

Cross to the south side of I-40 on BL-40.

Turn right to enter town, note the width of the road.

First/Last Motel in Texas.